Posts tagged birthi
Meadow’s Birth Story | Grand Rapids Birth Photographer and Doula

My husband and I take a natural approach to most things in our life so before we became pregnant with Meadow, I started researching home birth. I watched videos and read books from women who did it and enjoyed it! I was determined to have a more empowered, autonomous birth and I knew this was more likely to be achieved in the home setting. My husband was hesitant at first only because it was something foreign to him, like it is to the majority of people. After meeting with the midwives and having all of his questions answered and praying on it, we both decided this was the best decision for our family.

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Black Friday Deals with a Mission | Grand Rapids Birth Photographer

Snag my last openings for winter births, milk baths, and in-home sessions with these Black Friday Deals! I only have a few spots remaining this winter and they are filling up quickly. 

The best part of the deal? Not only are you saving money, but the amount you save will be donated to Shiphrah Birthing Home in the Philippines.

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