Meadow’s Birth Story | Grand Rapids Birth Photographer and Doula

Written by Ashlie Mullens


Our second baby, an enjoyable pregnancy, similar to my first for which I was so very thankful. We had our first baby the traditional route in the hospital and even though the experience was positive (in the hospital sense of things), I was left feeling less than happy. As time went on after my first was born, I knew we wanted more children. My husband and I take a natural approach to most things in our life so before we became pregnant with Meadow, I started researching home birth. I watched videos and read books from women who did it and enjoyed it! I was determined to have a more empowered, autonomous birth and I knew this was more likely to be achieved in the home setting. My husband was hesitant at first only because it was something foreign to him, like it is to the majority of people. After meeting with the midwives and having all of his questions answered and praying on it, we both decided this was the best decision for our family. 

Fast forward to March 20, 2020

A world wide pandemic, one week in to a nationwide lockdown, a pantry stockpiled with groceries and emergency supplies, so many unknowns. 

Me- 9 days past our “guess date.”  Tired, anxious, but also strangely calm. So ready to meet our girl and very thankful to have planned a home birth prior to the world being flipped upside down. 

After days of waking up wondering, “Will today be the day?” I woke up this morning and knew that something was happening. At about 11 am I had noticed the passing of my mucous plug and was having some occasional contractions. I reached out to Annica and our midwife to update them. I was excited for this sign of progress and spent most of the day relaxing with family while occasionally power walking through the house, up and down the stairs to try and get things moving. I felt this was going to be our last day as a family of 3 and was just hoping to make it to the evening as I wanted to deliver while my 3 year old was asleep.

We went through most of the day with mild, inconsistent contractions. After putting our toddler down for bed contractions started to pick up and became more consistent. I decided to take a bath to relax and meditate. It worked so well that for about an hour, nothing happened. I was so worried I had stopped progress at my attempt of relaxation. John and I laid in bed talking, him doing a final checklist of our supplies, birth pool up and ready to be filled. We decided to try and get some sleep. At about 1:00 am contractions kicked into high gear. It was getting harder to communicate and I remember from our birth class this meant things were shifting quickly. 

CALL THE midwife - & doula!

At about 1:40 am, John sent a message to Annica and our midwife telling them my contractions were a minute or more long, coming every 2-3 minutes. That’s when we decided it was best for Annica to head over for support. She arrived to our house about 30 min later. I was able to communicate with her quite well when she came upstairs, despite the pain. I think the additional support and familiar face put me at ease. Annica was the only birth support (other than my husband) present at the time. This was the start of covid and one of our midwifes was home sick out of precaution and our other midwife was attending another birth. She was aware we needed assistance but the other birth was very active as well and would be on her way as soon as possible.

things pick up

While Annica was getting her camera ready (she was also our photographer), things kicked up again. I felt like I was being so loud and remember frequently going to the toilet. Looking back, this was me finding comfort in labor. I remember being in the birth pool having such intense contractions and pain, hearing Annica call the midwife to let her know I was having a hard time. I remember while she was on this call, thinking, “I can’t do it.” We didn’t know my dilation but I don’t think anyone thought I was as progressed as I was.

I had just gotten in the birth tub and leaned over through a few contractions when I closed my eyes and literally felt the ring of fire that the books talk about. I felt like I could actually see, behind my closed eyes, my cervix fully dilate. I felt a strong urge and pressure and a sudden pop. My eyes were still closed when I said, “something just happened.” After a second, I realized it was my water breaking.

meadow is born!

Seconds later, I felt Meadow being born! Head, shoulders, body, out. My body pushed for me, once! And she was out.

all is well

I quickly opened my eyes to see her in the pool - back up arms and legs out like a magical creature floating towards the bottom. I quickly scooped her up and put her on my chest. I was elated. She was so quiet, our midwife (via phone) advised rubbing her with a towel to stimulate her which it did! She came fast and furious at 2:34 am on 3/21/20, after about 3 hours of active labor. Our midwife arrived about 20 minutes later. All was well with baby. She latched immediately.

delivering the placenta

My placenta took about an hour to deliver but at the mention of Pitocin, I was determined to get it out! 

newborn exam

Meadow weighed 8 lbs 2 oz and was 19.5 in long. 

a treasured family experience

I had never felt more alive or empowered and to be able to share that experience with my family in the comfort of our own home is something I will treasure forever.